JeffJones Dds Blog 7 signs that you need to change your car’s tyres

7 signs that you need to change your car’s tyres

Maintaining your car’s tyres is essential for safe driving and optimal performance. Over time, tyres wear down and may become damaged, leading to decreased traction, increased stopping distances, and a higher risk of accidents. Here are seven critical signs that indicate it’s time to change your car tyres:

man checking a tyre

1. Worn Tread

The tread on your tyres provides the necessary grip to keep your car stable on the road, especially in wet conditions. The legal minimum tread depth in the UK is 1.6mm across the central three-quarters of the tyre. If the tread wears down to this level or lower, it’s time to replace your tyres. You can check this using a tread depth gauge or the simple 20p test.

2. Visible Damage

Regularly inspect your tyres for any visible signs of damage, such as cuts, cracks, bulges, or punctures. These can compromise the structural integrity of the tyre, leading to potential blowouts or flats while driving. If you notice any such damage, it’s advisable to have your tyres checked by a professional and replaced if necessary.

3. Tyre Age

Even if your tyres look in good condition, ageing can affect their performance and safety. Tyre manufacturers typically recommend a tyre change in Edinburgh every five to ten years, regardless of tread depth. Check the sidewall of your tyre for the DOT code to determine its age and consider replacement if they’re nearing the end of this recommended lifespan.

4. Vibration or Unusual Noises

Experiencing excessive vibration or hearing unusual noises from your tyres while driving could indicate an issue. While this might sometimes be related to wheel alignment or suspension problems, it can also suggest that your tyres are worn unevenly and need replacing.

5. Sidewall Checks

The sidewalls of your tyres can reveal a lot about their condition. Look for cracks, cuts, or bulges that could indicate internal damage. Such damage can weaken the tyre, increasing the risk of a sudden failure.

6. Poor Performance in Wet Conditions

If you notice your car is slipping more than usual in wet conditions, or your stopping distances have increased, this could be a sign that your tyres’ tread depth is insufficient for safe driving.

Wet performance tends to deteriorate significantly before the tread reaches the legal minimum, so don’t wait to replace tyres if you’re experiencing these issues.

7. Uneven Wear

Uneven wear across the tyre’s surface can be a sign of improper inflation, misalignment, or problems with the suspension. If one side of the tyre is worn more than the other, or if there are patches of heavy wear, it’s likely time for a tyre change. Regular rotation can help prevent uneven wear, but once it occurs, the tyre may need to be replaced.

At the first sign of any of these issues, it’s wise to consult with a tyre specialist who can recommend the best course of action, whether it’s a simple repair or a complete tyre replacement.