JeffJones Dds Dental An Introduction To Restorative Dentistry

An Introduction To Restorative Dentistry

Dental restoration involves repairing or replacing teeth that have been damaged or lost. In restorative dentistry, for example, cavities are removed and repaired in addition to other dental issues treated and rehabilitated. Most of the patients who require repair and replacement are adults, but they also cater to the young.

Dental restoration has two primary goals: restoring the function of the teeth and restoring their appearance.

a male restorative dentist performs a procedure on a female patient

The Difference Between Restorative and Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic and restorative dentistry share similarities. In contrast, restorative dentistry tends to focus on the treatment due to oral disease. Although the result shows an enhancement in the physical appearance of the teeth, gums, and mouth, it is actually a restorative procedure.

Alternatively, cosmetic dentistry enhances a person’s smile and self-esteem by addressing how the teeth, smile, and mouth look.

What Restorative Dentistry Can Do For You

One of the most widely performed procedures by dentists is dental restoration. These procedures make it possible to eat and speak appropriately by restoring the function of the teeth. In addition to helping relieve dental pain caused by tooth infections, cavities, etc., the procedures also prevent additional dental issues.

Procedures and Treatments Under Restorative Dentistry

Restorative dentistry consists of the following procedures and treatments:

  • Dental Bonding

Dentists use dental bonding to repair cracked and chipped teeth, fill cavities, and cover tooth stains. Dentists will bond composite materials to the existing tooth. With this technique, the dentist often does not remove much of the original tooth.

Restorative dentistry consists of many different procedures. Maintaining your teeth and gums is the best way to avoid any pain or discomfort. Visit your dentist twice a year and brush and floss after every meal.

  • Dental Fillings

The most prevalent restorative procedure is dental fillings. Dentists use dental fillings to restore the strength of a damaged tooth caused by cavities. This procedure involves removing the damaged portion of the tooth and filling it with composite resin. By filling the cavity, the dental filling will protect the tooth from further decay.

  • Dental Crowns

Dental crowns strengthen a tooth by covering it with a cap. Dentists use dental crowns to restore the natural appearance of a tooth that has decayed, cracked, or damaged.

  • Dental Bridges

When three or more teeth experience damage, restorative dentists recommend dental bridges. The gap is bridged by fusing several crowns and bonding them to the healthy teeth on either side.

  • Dentures

Dentists usually recommend dentures for replacing a severely damaged tooth when there is no option for restoration or when the gums are damaged. Moreover, dentures are a popular option when more than one tooth is damaged or missing. Dentures are divided into five primary types

  1. removable partial dentures
  2. fixed partial dentures
  3. implant-retained dentures
  4. immediate dentures
  5. complete dentures
  • Dental Implants

Dental implants can be used to replace a tooth that is severely damaged and has been extracted. To bond a dental implant to the existing bone, a dentist implants an artificial tooth root into the jawbone. Then, as a replacement for the tooth, the dentist attaches a crown to the top. As a result, the implant functions and looks like a real tooth. For this reason, most people consider dental implants to be the best tooth-replacement option.

  • Root Canal Procedure

A restorative dentist may perform a root canal when a cavity penetrates far enough into the tooth to expose the inner structure. The dentist uses a composite material to fill the inside of the tooth after the root canal procedure removes the decay from the root. The infection is eliminated as soon as the dentist fills the tooth, and further damage is prevented.